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Mipolam Biocontrol Pure is available since Sep. 30th, 2024. Mipolam Biocontrol Pure are ideally defined for...
Reminder of the essential flooring properties to be taken into consideration in cleanrooms The choice of...
In some sensitive areas in industry like electronic assembly lines, semi conductors production, or sometimes...
As we are committed to going beyond regulatory requirements, we have obtained ambitious certifications and...
Our permanent focus is to reduce the environmental footprint of our products at each step of their lifecycle...
Creation 2022 is much more than just LVT, it is a complete set of flooring and accessories to fully meet your...
No compromise! The ultimate stain and micro-scratch resistance! At Gerflor, we are once again moving forward...
The Creation All in 1 collection offers an interlocking range with 2 technologies: Creation All in 1 is also...
Creation 2022, the new decorative solution by Gerflor ! With 35+ years of experience in LVT, Gerflor is...
Aware of the constraints in Life Sciences industries, Gerflor has developed a complete solution to meet all...
Safety is a necessity in the professional world more than ever, especially in industries where chemical...
As professionals in cutting-edge industries (electronics, automotive, defense, aeronautics, etc.) you are...
Our CSR approach continues to expand day by day. Since 2020, the group has prioritised its goals in line with...
Developed exclusively for DLW linoleum, Neocare surface protector has exceptional technical features while...