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As we are committed to going beyond regulatory requirements, we have obtained ambitious certifications and...
Design your sports court with colors from our standard range, or customize your flooring with our digitally...
With MyFloor, create your custom color online and put it center stage in a wide range of room galleries or...
Our permanent focus is to reduce the environmental footprint of our products at each step of their lifecycle...
Our new website has been redesigned with you and for you! As an important tool in our partnership, this new...
Our CSR approach continues to expand day by day. Since 2020, the group has prioritised its goals in line with...
Our welding rods match our flooring perfectly. Use the search engine below to help you find the right product...
As an architect, engineer, contractor or designer, you can access Gerflor's BIM objects published on the...
Welcome to Interior Designer, our flooring and wall simulation service. Interior Designer lets you simulate...
At all stages of product life, we offer collection and recycling solutions. This makes it possible to upcycle...
As we are concerned about reducing the carbon footprint linked to the use of our products, we are working on...
As a crucial stage in the product life cycle from an environmental point of view, our production has evolved...
From the product's design, we work on reducing its environmental footprint. What is our leverage for offering...
Because preserving the environment is one of our concerns, we have made strong commitments through our...